Parents, as we return to the sport we love.. soccer, we want to be sure we take the necessary precautions to protect our players, coaches, and parents. We all know soccer is a contact sport, but there are precautions we can take to mitigate the risk. With that in mind, please review the following “Return to Soccer Practice Guidelines” derived from CDC and STYSA Guidelines. We also encourage you to follow all CDC, Texas, and local guidelines. We know the safety of your children is your highest priority, and you will do all you can to adhere to these important guidelines:
Before Practice:
The same day you are coming to practice (for players and anyone coming with the player to practice),
DO NOT return to practice if any of the following are true:
- Have you been around anyone who has traveled out of state/country or on a plane in the last 14 days?
- Have you been around anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19, or is awaiting results of a test, or has shown any symptoms of Covid-19?
- Do you and anyone in your household, currently have a fever of 99 or above? We ask that you take your players temperature right before practice.
- Do you the player, feel sick now or have been sick in the last 14 days
- Players must bring own ball from home
- Bring sanitizer to practice. Sanitize your hands before, during, and after practice. (We will provide hand sanitizer at practice as well)
- Check your temperature right before practice. 99 or higher, do not practice. (We will check everyone's temperature before practice as well)
- Players must arrive at practice with facemask before training. We would like to encourage players to use them at all times.
- Players must bring their water or drink.
Parents/Family Members:
● Parents should practice social distancing and/or wait in the car during practice. Any others with the player should also do the same.
● Should Parents/Family Members enter training areas, they should follow proper social distancing protocols please limit to 1 person to bring the player to practice if possible.
During Practice
- Maintain Social Distancing
- No high-fives, shaking hands, hugging, or other forms of social touching
- No sharing of water, clothing, equipment, towels, or other personal items
- No spitting on the field
- Coughing or Sneezing only in a tissue (which you then discard) or inside your jersey or sleeve.
- Keep personal equipment 6 feet apart from others
- If you feel sick, notify the coaches and immediately separate yourself from the others, until you are picked up
- Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose
- Wear a mask as much as possible
- Sanitize your hands as needed
After Practice
- Employ social distancing as you are waiting for practice, between drills, during warmups/cool down, and as you leave.
- Immediately wash or sanitize your hands
- Go straight to your vehicle.

- Player will be drop-off at RRMC entrance
- On his way to the field we will have 2x Volunteers taking temperature & 2 volunteers login information.
- Any player or person with temperature of 99 of above will not be allow.
- We will have 2 stations of hand sanatizer but we encourage players to bring their own.